Burghfield & Area School Pastors
Since our official launch on 12th May 2013, we have started patrolling The Willink on Tuesday and Wednesday lunchtimes. We walk and talk with students and staff in the hallways, classrooms and fields of the school. We are the only initiative in the Thames Valley area currently, and one of the few initiatives based in a rural location. We currently have five volunteers and are looking to expand. We regularly get asked about the possibility of going into neighbouring and feeder schools, and have started meeting with Yr 6 students of our feeder schools in the summer term.
Since 2016, we also patrol at the two local summer fun days in Burghfield and Mortimer. In 2017, we gave out lollipops, ran a snail racing competition and got to meet many school families. We’re looking into ways of supporting students during the long summer holidays, and would be grateful for any ideas that have been trialled elsewhere. Why not find out more by contacting our Coordinator? We’re always looking for more volunteers and Prayer Pastors.
Coordinator: Libby Hawkness-Smith
Email: burghfieldandarea@schoolpastors.org.uk
Phone: 0778911182